
Software Development Wing


To exceed the quality standards and guarantee the development of user-friendly and safe software that is reliable for all the applications


Our Mission is to provide quality Web and Software Development solutions for the enhancement of Faculty and Student community by creating a Centralized Database to be used by all the applications.

KSRSDW Members

  1. Dr.J.Tamilselvan, Dean School of Computing
  2. Dr.J.Ramesh, Asst. Prof. & Head Department of Computer Science - Data Science
  3. Mr.P.Kulandaivel, Asst. Prof. of Computer Science


Internet Based :

  1. Website Management
  2. SMS – Broadcast Information
  3. Online-Certificate Verification
  4. Google Apps

Internet Based :

  1. Intranet Development & Maintenance
  2. Exam Cell Software
  3. AIMS – (Attendance & Internal Mgt. System)
  4. Transfer Certificate Application
  5. Bio-Metric Attendance System
  6. Student Feedback System
  7. Online Test
  8. ID-Card Management System
