
Online Certificate Verification

K.S. Rangasamy College of Arts and Science, in conjunction with VFS DocsWallet, provides Online Service for genuneness vertification

K.S. Rangasamy College of Arts and Science has gone one step ahead towards e-governance and sharing the fine vision of Digital India

System is powered to give students the chance of requesting genuineness verification anywhere in the globe

Institution implement digital transformation platform for our alumni/current students to receive the service quick and effective manner. This new process will be more convenient, user-friendly for everyone involved and the online genuiness verification is a seamless and paperless system for sharing the documents


  1. Secure transactions with convenient 24/7 access
  2. Documents delivered worldwide
  3. Automatic order updates via mobile text alerts and email
  4. Online order tracking with the time, date and name of the person who received the record


  1. Apply for genuiness verification


Former and current students are encouraged to go online and place the online application requests by using the following links

Digital Document Service

K.S. Rangasamy College of Arts and Science

Visit the Certificate Verification portal:
