

Faculty Details

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Qualification: M.Sc.,M.Phil., (Ph.D)


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Qualification: M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Qualification: M.Sc.,M.Phil.,

Designation:Assistant Professor

Faculty Details

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Qualification: M.Sc.,M.Phil., (Ph.D)


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Name: Dr. L. Ramkumar

Qualification: M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Name: Ms.T.Suvetha

Qualification: M.Sc.,

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Name: Ms. M. Hemalatha

Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed.,

Designation:Assistant Professor

Department of Microbiology

The Department of Microbiology established the club by students named as “SAMFICA”in the year 2015.Our association aims to enhance the student’s leadership qualities and encourage the students to actively involve in various aspects and to enable students to contribute for the development of global society. SAMFICA association activities of the students for innovative and novelistic student programming through event management skills, leadership qualities development, Organizing department events and activities, Alumni meet organizations, Building foundation for their academic excellence, Establishing Students Activities as a skilled destination of preference where faculty members thrive, Incorporating tactic into regular practice and connect all team members in developing, assessing and reformulating on-going strategic priorities, Optimizing administrative skills and processes to superior serve, to render service to the society, to inculcate discipline as a value among students, to empower the students with the required skills to solve the complex problem of modern society and also provide them with a framework for promoting collaborative and multidisciplinary activities.

B.Sc. Microbiology

Department of Microbiology:

The Department of Microbiology, an integral part of Centre for Biological Sciences of K.S.Rangasamy College of Arts and Science offers UG, PG and Research Programs in Microbiology. The department has a history of unstinted, untiring and meticulous efforts for displaying many spectacular events such as National Seminars, Workshops and training programs. It is well equipped with good infra structure facility and modern instruments namely PCR, Gel documentation system, Fermentor etc. The young scholars and students are motivated by eminent guest lectures and hands on experience. The department has a trend setting of research which is exemplified by the reputed publications. The department has completed a DST funded Major Research Project and also running a Major Research Project funded by DST.

Research Project and also running a Major Research Project funded by DST.

Alumni occupied great positions in different arena. In order to acquire and orient new skills and dimensions in microbiology field, good laboratory practices are inculcated among the students. Students received grants and fellowships from TNSCST and Indian Academy of Sciences. Faculty of the department is also consistently submitting research proposals to fetch Government funded projects from agencies like DST, DBT, UGC and TNSCST.


PEO 1: To build graduates professionally competent in Microbiology to solve problems in society.
PEO2: To demonstrate proficiency and practice bio techniques through lifelong learning.
PEO3: To perform as an individual or team with professional and ethical behavior.


After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to
PO1: Apply the knowledge of domain and fundamental science to solve problems relevant to the needs of the society.
PO2: Identify, formulate and review research literature for providing substantial conclusion for complex problems.
PO3: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse team and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO4: Demonstrate knowledge and understand the principles and apply these to once own work as a member in a team to manage projects and come with solutions for multidisciplinary environment.
PO5: Apply the ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities in multidisciplinary practices.


After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to
PSO1: Design and execute industry oriented experiments in microbiology using standard techniques.
PSO2: Apply the domain knowledge and technology to develop research skill for commercialization of microbial products.
PSO3: Evaluate the need and impact of scientific solutions for sustainable development of society.
PSO4: Analyze the conceptual domain knowledge for innovative research and lifelong learning.
PSO5: Create and develop the employable, entrepreneur and socially responsible


A candidate who has passed higher secondary examination in any one of the biological sciences (Botany/ Zoology, Biology) (Academic/ Vocational Stream-Agri, Home Science, Poultry) under higher secondary board examination, Tamil Nadu or as per norms set by the Government of Tamil Nadu or an examination accepted as equivalent there to by the syndicate, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed there to are permitted to appear and qualify for the B.Sc., Microbiology degree examination of this University after a course of study of three academic years.

Value Added Courses

Science of Agriculture and Medicine
Mushroom Cultivation with Green House Training
Cultivation of Spirulina and it's benefits
Organic Farming
Herbal Medicine and it's preparation

M.Sc. Microbiology


To produce intellectual mind and professionals through innovative research and inventions for the enhancement of society.


To establish overall competence among the students by inculcating energetic thinking and positive spirit. To cultivate knowledge, skills, values and confidence for the students excellence through research in their area of expertise or interest.


PEO 1: To provide the students with subject proficiency, environmental awareness, ethical codes and guidelines, along with life education for a successful professional career.
PEO2: To inculcate the student’s professional competencies and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, teamwork skills, multidisciplinary approach, and related to life science.
PEO3: To train students with good technical skills in research to comprehend, analyze, design, novel products and to give solutions for the real life problems.


After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to
PO1: Acquire and apply specialized skills and knowledge relevant to the needs of the society.
PO2: Develop the skills in handling instruments, planning and performing experiments to meet desired needs within realistic constraints through domain knowledge.
PO3: Expand a modern and scientific outlook with respect to science subjects and apply in all aspects of life.
PO4: Apply modern tools and technologies for sustainable development and welfare of the society.
PO5: Create and develop eco-friendly environment and microbial products through innovative research ideas.


After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to
PSO1: Recall the fundamentals of microbiology which would enable them to comprehend the emerging and advanced scientific concepts in life sciences.
PSO2: Apply the acquired conceptual knowledge by connecting interdisciplinary aspects of microbiology.
PSO3: Evaluate the need and impact of scientific solutions on the environment for the betterment of society.
PSO4: Analyze the technical knowledge in microbiology for research and lifelong learning. PSO5: Create and develop the employable, entrepreneur and socially responsible citizens.


Candidate who has passed the B.Sc., degree in any Life sciences (Microbiology/ Applied Microbiology / Industrial Microbiology/ Botany / Plant Sciences and Plant Biotechnology/ Zoology /Animal Science/Applied Animal Science and Animal Biotechnology/Biochemistry /Bioinformatics /Biology /Life Sciences/ Home Science/ Food Science & Nutrition/ BSMS/ BAMS/ BUMS/ Chemistry with Botany/ Zoology as Allied Subjects of this University or any Examination of any other University accepted by the Syndicate as equivalent thereto shall be eligible for admission to M.Sc. Degree Course in Microbiology. Candidate shall be admitted to the examination only if he / she has taken the qualifying degree in Science / Medical subjects as mentioned after having completed the prescribed courses consisting of twelve years of study and has passed the qualifying examination.


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