

Faculty Details

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Qualification: M.Sc.,PGDCA(Ph.D)


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Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil.,(Ph.D)

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil.,B.Ed

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Qualification: M.Sc., M.phil, Ph.D., PGDCA

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Qualification: M.Sc.,B.ed.,

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Qualification: M.Sc.,B.Ed

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed.,

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Qualification: M.Sc.,M.phil.,B.Ed.,D.T.Ed.,

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Qualification: M.Sc.,

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Qualification: M.Sc. MATHEMATICS

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Qualification: M.Sc

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Name: Ms. K. Kiruthika

Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil.,

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Name: Ms. G. Kavitha

Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil.,

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Name: Dr. A. Mughil

Qualification: M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Name: Ms.P.Kavitha

Qualification: M.Sc.,M.Phil.,B.Ed.,

Designation:Assistant Professor

Ramanujan Forum   
 Department of Mathematics - UG

To organize the training programs, seminars, workshops on latest technology to enhance the technical Skill-set of students and faculties.

To enrich and empower the minds of students by conducting technical quizzes , competitions regularly

To organize the technical, non-technical events tpo improve the leadership’s quality among the students.

B.Sc. Mathematics

Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics is one among the departments serving the academic needs of the institution since 1995. It offers M.Sc., B.Sc., programmes. In addition, it supports all other courses like MCA, MBA, M.Com. (CA), B.Com. and all B.Sc. courses. It has qualified faculty members who are actively engaged in teaching and research. It is on a relentless march towards academic excellence.


To provide knowledge of fundamental basic principles, methods, results and a clear perception of the power of mathematical ideas and to use them effectively in modelling, interpreting and solving the real world problems.


• Preparing the students to cope up with the latest developments and compete with students from other universities and put them on the right track.
• Prepare the students to play an important role in the context of globalization of Indian Economy, Modern Technology, Computer Science and Information Technology.

Department Acheivements

• Received Rs.1,71,131 from Science Academies to organize Lecture Workshop on Algebra during May 02-04, 2017
• Organized International Symposium on Algebra and its Applications on Sep 10, 2016


PEO 1: To provide a degree course, suitable for students of high ability by combining and relating Mathematics, Statistics and the Social Sciences.
PEO 2: To prepare students for further study or for professional and managerial careers, particularly in areas requiring the applications of quantitative skills.
PEO 3: To develop their positive attitude, skills which will enable them to become a multi facet personality shining in any chosen field.


After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to
PO 1: Think in a critical manner and recognize when there is a need for information and use that information for solving problems effectively.
PO 2: Formulate and develop Mathematical arguments in a logical manner.
PO 3: Attain good knowledge and understanding in advanced areas of Mathematics and Statistics, chosen by the students from the given courses and acquires the ability to think independently paving way for life long learning.
PO 4: Understand and formulate and use quantitative models arising in social science, business and other contexts.
PO 5: Apply the concepts to design a Mathematical model and to solve the real life problems involving the concepts studied in Applied Mathematics.


After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to
PSO 1: Acquire the knowledge and sound understanding on fundamentals of mathematical concepts including quantity, structure, space and change.
PSO 2: Analyze the basic concepts of advanced Mathematics.
PSO 3: Comprehend a range of general skills, to solve problems, to evaluate information using computers to develop software programming and to communicate with society effectively and learn independently.
PSO 4: Possess the effective skills to analyze problems in diverse fields such as Science and Engineering, Education, Banking, Public services, Business etc.
PSO 5: Develop the Analytical, Numerical and Mathematical skills to create Mathematical Models and improve the problem solving skills to find the solution to the real life problems.


• Higher Secondary with Pure Mathematics as one Subject.

M.Sc. Mathematics


To produce graduates with analytical and logical thinking and nurture them with the latest developments of mathematical knowledge and to enhancethe talents to meet global needs.


To transform students into competent and motivated professionals with sound theoretical and practical knowledge. To make students aware of technology to explore mathematical concepts through activities and experiments.


PEO 1: To strengthen the knowledge in mathematical concepts and principles for striving towards research.
PEO 2: To enhance their professional career through lifelong learning
PEO 3: To apply the concepts of mathematics in real life situations and in problem solving


After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to
PO 1: Demonstrate the knowledge in the subject of Mathematics and apply the laws and theorems to meet the needs of the society.
PO 2:Gain analytical skills in the field of abstract mathematics
PO 3: Innovate, invent and solve complex mathematical problems using the knowledge of pure and applied mathematics.
PO 4: Explain the knowledge of various facts in the field of Mathematics and applied sciences.
PO 5: Crack lectureship and fellowship exams approved by UGC like CSIR- NET and SET.


After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to
PSO 1: Provide a systematic understanding of core mathematical concepts, principles and theorems along with their applications.
PSO 2: Inculcate the problem-solving skillin pure and applied mathematics independently.
PSO 3: Develop proficiency in the analysis of complex mathematical problems and the use of mathematical or other appropriate techniques to solve them.
PSO 4: Outline exact, approximate, analytical and numerical methods for solving linear and non-linear equations encountered in various fields.
PSO 5: Demonstrate an appropriate level of expertise in algebra, analysis and applied mathematics.

Value Added Courses

Basics of MatLab
Introduction to R software
Excel Data Analysis
AI tools for effective Learning


Iconic Events
