
Electronics and Communication

B.Sc., Electronics and Communication

Department of Electronics and Communication:

The department is established during 2002 and conducting B.Sc., Electronics and Communication Course.


To nurture the potential of students by designing and delivering learning inputs based on current trends to achieve excellence in academics and to create employable and socially responsible citizens.


• To design and delivering fundamentally strong learning inputs by providing equal importance for academics and individual development
• To create employable graduates by continuous motivation, teaching, and training that bridge the gap between rural inputs and industrial benchmarks.


PEO 1: To inculcate the ability for adapting the changes in the new environment with skills as well as competencies.
PEO 2: To incorporate the advancements in existing and emerging technologies which lead to holistic and pragmatic view of the present scenario.
PEO 3: To create thrust in the development of innovative products by applying practical approach.


After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to
PO 1: Recall and state fundamental laws, theorems and basic concepts of electronics.
PO 2: Understand and adopt the professional and ethical responsibilities of analog and digital communication systems.
PO 3: Apply the fundamentals to the development and modernization of the industries.
PO 4: Analyze the experimental trails by comparing them to the International standards.
PO 5: Design hardware, software and networking solutions for emerging smart devices and technologies.


After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to
PSO1: Comprehend the fundamental theoretical concepts and solve small numeric problems.
PSO2: Describe the theoretical concepts and communicate ideas effectively in a team during the development of analog as well as digital electronic products.
PSO3: Analyze the working principles and protocols of emerging smart devices.
PSO4: Provide efficient circuit design solutions which serve for industrial and social needs.
PSO5: Design and develop affordable hardware solutions for the existing complex instruments and devices.


Candidates seeking admission to the first year of the Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communication should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the Government of TamilNadu or an Examination accepted as equivalent thereto by the syndicate.
