
Business Administration

Faculty Details

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Name: Dr. P. Vanitha

Qualification: MBA.,M.Phil.,Ph.D


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Name: Dr. S. Ramasamy

Qualification: M.A.,MBA.,M.Phil.,Ph.D

Designation:Associate Professor

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Name: Mr. M. Prasad

Qualification: M.Sc.,MBA.,M.Phil.,PGDOR

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Name: Dr. M. Rajamanickam

Qualification: MBA., M.Phil.,Ph.D

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Name: Mr.S.Aruneswaran

Qualification: MBA., M.Phil

Designation:Assistant Professor

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Name: Dr. R.Janaki

Qualification: BE., MBA.,Ph.D SET

Designation:Assistant Professor

Value Added Courses

MSME – Tally Prime with GST
Wadhwani – Entrepreneurship and Innovation



To create well-rounded Entrepreneurs and disseminate business knowledge, to produce globally competitive and socially responsible leaders as a recognized centre of business excellence.


To develop ethical leaders in organizations and society, committed towards innovation, changing mindsets and inspiring leadership at all levels. To equip students with skill-based, practical business knowledge and to inculcate the real time business experience and to develop the global leaders and eminent entrepreneurs.


PEO1: To reveal the competencies and knowledge in key business functional areas including Accounting, Human resource and Marketing Management.
PEO2: To promote the self employment through entrepreneurship and strategy formulation.
PEO3: To inculcate the knowledge and skills to develop effective and ethical leaders ready to face the challenges of corporate world and to become the responsible citizens of the country.


After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to
PO 1: Demonstrate professionalism, self-awareness and leadership and language proficiencies.
PO 2: Formulate conceptual models and develop business strategies for management decisions
PO 3: Develop professional skills required to integrate concepts from various specialized disciplines necessary for management practice.
PO 4: Analyse the business ideas and develop business plans to start new business ventures.
PO 5: Apply skills to manage multidisciplinary teams and to become an ethically and socially responsible leader.


After completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to
PSO 1: Apply the knowledge of functional areas of business management, economics, finance, marketing, human resources, law, and research for integrative solutions for complex management problems.
PSO 2: Recognise the appropriate business management concepts which benefit the stakeholders on whole.
PSO 3: Solve the complex problems in their field of specialization with the practical understanding of the social, legal, economic, political, technological, cultural, and ethical impacts of the solution.
PSO 4: Evaluate and classify various strategies to enhance the business portfolio management.
PSO 5: Recognize the changes and adapt to the changing business world.


Candidates seeking admission to the first year of the Master of Business Administration full-time degree programme shall be required to possess a Bachelor’s Degree of any Recognized University with 50% marks.

MBA Research Details

The Management Studies at K.S.Rangasamy College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) was established in the year 1996. The objective of this programme is to link the institution-industry gap by providing excellent Management experts with tough technical skills and with an insight to handle a business by the chucks of upcoming technology based industries. The year of commencement of Master of Business Administration (MBA) is 1996, Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) is 2008 and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is 2008. Four of our Ph.D scholars have received fellowship of Rs. 4.67 Lakhs each from Indian Council of Social Science and Research (ICSSR). Currently five research scholars are pursuing Ph.D in the area of Marketing and Human Resource Management. Also the department received financial assistance of Rs.1.5 Lakhs to conduct National Seminar from Indian Council of Social Science and Research (ICSSR). The department motivates students to develop Novel ideas for Start-ups and have promoted few student startups.


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